Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Universal Tragedy

Somebody call Amnesty International to help put an end to these crimes against humanity which happened in Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh City yesterday. By crimes against humanity, I mean of course the National Costume segment of the Miss Universe Paegent for 2008.

Miss Argentina! A parasol! What were you thinking! And why are there more than one parasol's in the competition! (See behind left of Miss Australia - who is by the way, the far the less of all these evils.)

Ah, New Zealand, New Zealand. A gallant effort but unfortunately, there is no lady-like way to spread your legs in heels, stick your tongue out and perform the Hakka with a piece of shiny black plastic hanging from your crotch.

Oh, and lets not forget USA. Yes USA.

Remember when America's national costume was a giant snowflake teamed with a bra and knickers? Yes, i didn't either.

Miss Mexico's costume is flawless. Its a temple, with grass... come on!

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